the heart of cosmetic alternatives

Dr. Haber is the medical director of Cosmetic Alternatives in Terre Haute, Indiana and has a documented history in the use of botulinum toxin dating back to 1994. Dr. Haber has completed the Restylane Lipmaster Series with Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Steven Kane, with long-standing expertise in lip augmentation. He has trained with Dr Mariano Busso in the use of Juvederm and semi-permanent fillers such as Radiesse and Sculptra. He is a double board-certified physician.

Dr. Haber has extensive experience with all components of the Cynosure Icon system and has used the 1540 laser for hair removal, skin tightening, and skin rejuvenation capabilities under the guidance of Dr. Richard Blanchar. Recently Cosmetic Alternatives has embraced the Sculpsure system of body-contouring.  We get it right the first time and have clients from Carmel, Chicago, and Louisville.